We are seeking people who are called to equip, disciple, empower and release national leaders to transform the spiritual landscape of Alice Springs and the world.
Like the disciples who stayed in a town healing the sick and proclaiming the nearness of God’s Kingdom, like Paul who worked for two years in the city of Ephesus until everyone in the province heard the word of the Lord (Acts 19:10), Iris is looking for long-term missionaries who will have kingdom impact in the regions surrounding our bases.
All applicants should be familiar with the Iris mission and spiritual ethos as a Spirit-directed, Kingdom ministry and be people whose calling and qualifications will help advance Iris’ strategic priorities. Long-term missionaries at Iris must have the following character traits:
- Teachable
- Culturally adaptable
- Wise
- A positive attitude toward national leadership
- Willingness to work under the Iris vision and values
- Accountable
- Able to receive direction well versus having a “lone-ranger” attitude
- A servant heart which shares the day-to-day responsibilities of community living, walks in God’s love, and gives out of overflow
How long is long-term?
Long-term service at Iris is generally defined as a commitment of two years or more with the following exceptions:
- Positions where there is critically needed personnel
- Limited opportunities for younger Harvest School Mission School graduates who might be allowed to return for up to six months of full-time service (In most cases, we expect younger missionaries to further their own formal education and training after the Iris Harvest School of Missions)
Long-term missionaries are responsible for their own financial support and come to Iris as volunteers. Even so, long-term workers are still accountable to the leadership of Iris Global and should seek to function in an interdependent and submissive manner within the Iris community – including the scheduling of travel, holidays and breaks.
Applicants should be able-bodied and in good health due to the demanding physical conditions of the areas where we minister. Medical insurance coverage will be verified before your acceptance.
Application and more information
We expect long-term missions applicants to have successfully completed Harvest School and/or an Iris Global School and have visited one or more Iris bases. This ensures that we know you and you know us before committing to a longer-term association.
The Missions Council of Iris Global receives all applications and works under the Holy Spirit’s direction to match prospective missionaries with the current needs and opportunities at the Iris bases. However, each base has the final say on which missionaries they will be receiving. Therefore, if you know God is leading you to work with the Iris Alice Springs base, we encourage you to reach out to us directly about serving here.
Long-term service application process
The long-term service application process ensures that all Iris missionaries have a deep understanding of and commitment to Iris’s vision and core values and has four phases:
1. Familiarize yourself with Iris
Become aware of Iris’ history by reading “There Is Always Enough,” by Rolland and Heidi Baker, and “Visions Beyond the Veil,” by H. A. Baker, Rolland’s grandfather. We also recommend viewing the videos “The Face of Revival, “Stopping for the One” and “Mama Heidi.” Viewing photo galleries and reading newsletters on the Iris website are also highly recommended.
2. Complete the Harvest School of Missions
This three-month immersive missions training program in Pemba, Mozambique, is essential to integrate with the spiritual dynamics at Iris. More information on the Harvest School of Missions can be found on the Harvest School web page.
3. Engage in pre-application preparations
Seek the Lord for a definitive confirmation of your call to service with Iris Global. Seek the counsel of mature Christians who have experienced the difficulties of severe cultural changes that may be experienced on the mission field. Study the language of the area where you hope to enter long-term service. Take a short-term trip to an Iris base. Be responsible in faith for your financial support. Develop a team of intercessors who will support you in prayer.
4. Begin the application process
If you have completed steps one, two and three and would like to pursue a long-term position with Iris, contact us.